I'm not entirely sure which direction I want to take this blog. Looking at my recent posts, I tend to be serious, and I try to tell a story or make a meaningful insight into non-food related topics. And I like that! I want to learn to write, as well as bake and take photos. Good writing makes my heart all a-flutter, especially on food blogs.
On the other hand, perhaps this blog is a little too somber for its teenaged author. I ought to lighten up, engage in some one-sided banter, tell you about how my family devoured an entire pan of brownies in one day or whatever. Perhaps that's more reader-friendly. Perhaps I would be more popular if I kept my posts easy-to-read, with attention-grabbing titles.
But I don't want to pander to the audience. I don't want to turn into one of those people whose blogs are so overwhelming for all the "Follow me on Pinterest!" buttons and ads and recipe roundups and giveaways. I would be content to sit in my little corner of the blogosphere, without a graphic designer and custom code and my own URL. It's a dilemma I'm sure every blogger faces, balancing the desire for more blog traffic with the desire for a personal, genuine, heartfelt voice. For now, though, I think the latter takes greater precedence in my heart.
So, no, this banana bread wasn't vegan (though it would have been if I had used non-dairy milk) or entirely healthy, or 2-ingredient or gluten-free. It's a moist loaf of banana bread, with serpentine swirls of rich chocolate. I baked it for a friend's 16th birthday party a while back, because I always look for the excuse to bake! And yes, it was devoured. That makes me happier than any number of repins.