Monday, April 29, 2013

a confession

     When I first started this blog, I did it as an experiment. Would I fall in love with blogging? Only time could tell. I didn't want to fully commit, but I felt like I had to at least try.
     As you can tell from the fact that my last post was almost a month ago, I've found my answer. The truth is, I simply don't have the time or energy to put into maintaining a blog. The life of a relatively high-achieving secondary student is jam-packed with activities: youth symphony, oil painting classes, violin lessons, and various other irregular events. Most nights, I stagger to bed at around 11 PM, to wake up at 5:30 AM the next morning. I'm always so tired, and why give myself more to do?
     I still love cooking as much as ever. In the span of a weekend, I made orange-poppy seed pancakes, sweet potato-cauliflower soup, salads for this week's lunches, and a two-layer, red wine chocolate cake with blackberry filling, vanilla buttercream, and chocolate ganache for an auction. And I've discovered a new love for photography, as well. I can say that much.
     There are other things I would rather put my resources into. Like art. I've always drawn and painted and immersed myself in the art world, and it still lights a fire in my heart. And science. Anything to do with physics makes me feel tingly and excited. Can you understand why I don't want to spend my time looking for and buying props for a food blog, taking countless photos of a cake, and editing them one-by-one?
     I suppose food blogs are like books with. I'm a huge bookworm, and I keep a meticulously-groomed Goodreads account. But I've never had the slightest inclination towards writing a novel of my own. I would prefer to take in other people's words and appreciate their beauty, rather than grapple with the creative process myself.
     So I suppose this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. Maybe one day I'll log into Blogger again and crank out a post. But it probably won't be tomorrow, or next week. We'll just have to see.

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